Composting Toilet System

Composting Toilet System

One of our products here at Solar and Sat is the Composting Toilet System. 

Not to be confused with chemical toilets, composting systems are completely odour-free. They have no chemicals, no pollution, no pumps and one of these can save the average family over thirty-five thousand litres of water per year.

An average composting toilet system can serve a family of 5-6 people on a permanent basis. It comes with two chambers and when one of the two chambers provided in the package is full, it will be exchanged for the other one.  

The composting that takes place during its use will be roughly a 6 month period - or until the renders the contents become odourless. In our case, there are natural micro-organisms that will continually reduce the bulk of the waste, which is why it takes so long to fill. 

The used composting chamber will then be placed outside in the sun to complete the process of completely breaking down the contents into useful dry sustainable compost.

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