Anna's Vineyard 2005 Liqueur Shiraz

Anna's Vineyard 2005 Liqueur Shiraz

Anna's Vineyard 2005 Liqueur Shiraz has been made with organically (naturally) grown, tremendously ripe Shiraz grapes.

Liqueur Shiraz is fairly uncommon because it is very hard to nurse the fruit to the needed sugar level without the grapes suffering disease (mainly gray mould fungus) or being attacked by pests (birds, rodents, and insects) who are attracted towards the high sugar content of the grapes. It is especially hard to reach this level of ripeness using organic rising methods.

Our 2005 liqueur has been ready with a base of white cherry vodka, which is neutral, colourless, and tasteless but have alcoholic content. Winemakers should require special license to produce the liqueur in that way, Anna's Vineyard viticulturists thinks that this wonder shiraz we make should let to show its extremely good taste.

The natural sugariness of the extremely mature fruit does not have to compete with a good tasting brandy or rum base, as is often used in the making of ports and other fortifieds.

Only 5300 liqueur bottles have been produced and each one has been separately numbered, building them a rare addition to your cellar.

As with most vintage liqueurs, Anna's Vineyard 2005 Liqueur Shiraz have been developed to bottle age and will keep getting better and better for up to 70 years.


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