Solar Installers and System Designers

Solar Installers and System Designers

Here at Alliance Solar, we are solar installers and system designers who are passionate about the environment and renewable energy technologies. In fact, we believe that for a healthier and cleaner future, households should make investment into solar energy and PV systems.

Why? Here are three reasons why you should do it.

Solar will save you money on your bills by helping you produce your own electricity and selling back excess electricity into the grid. In fact, the payback time is in some cases, less than 2 years. 

You can also reduce your carbon foot print as solar panels are clean to our atmosphere. There is zero emission whilst the panels generate electricity from sunlight. This is much better than burning fossil fuels which releases large quantities of toxic gases into the atmosphere.

A Solar system is also a solution for Rising Electricity retail Prices. In fact, 80-90% of our customers install solar panels because of the rising energy bills. Australia electricity's retail prices are among the highest all over the globe, so take a stance and go solar.

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