The Rosnay Wines - From Humble Beginnings

The Rosnay Wines - From Humble Beginnings

The first fruit was hand produced in Autumn 1999, from the innovative Chardonnay vineyard. For this and the subsequently four years the Rosnay fruit was sell to organic and biodynamic wineries as well as the legendary Botobolar and Cassegrain wineries.

Of exacting note it was the "R&B 2000 Shiraz", a luscious and pleasant-sounding blend of fruit from Rosnay and Botobolar, prepared by the latest winemaker Kevin Karstrom. The first Rosnay tag wine was formed in 2001 and finished by John Cassegrain.

From 2002 the wines were also prepared at the latest winery at Windowrie Estate, immediately 4km from Rosnay, and at present most of the Rosnay wines are prepared at this state-of-the-art, which has a certified organic facility.


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