The Silent Threat

View galleryHow do you deal kindly with possums in the roof, a snake in the grass, marauding cockatoos, rats in the rubbish, bats in the ceiling, ducks in the swimming pool and even a Tassie Devil raising its young under the house? What can you do if a brush turkey or lyrebird decides green landscaping your garden? Wild Neighbours shows urban dwellers how to enjoy the experience of wildlife while offering some lateral thinking for humane and realistic solutions to deal with the inevitable competition for shared space. The book is broken into sections covering nearly 40 species of wildlife. Each section covers a description and background of the animal, its diet, reproductive habits, problems that may arise between humans and the animal and the best avenues for resolution. The author, Ian Temby, has spent his working life resolving conflict situations with wildlife. As a 1999 Churchill Fellow, he investigated management of problems caused by wildlife in the USA, Canada and the UK. In Australia he has worked on problems with dingoes, flying-foxes, cockatoos, silver gulls, kangaroos, snakes in urban areas and urban possum issues. Wild Neighbours is beautifully illustrated by renowned artist and illustrator Elisabeth Bastian.

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