CSIRO native food section

CSIRO native food section is working in conjunction with Aboriginal communities and Australian industry to learn more about ‘bush tucker’ and put Australian native foods on the menu.

The fledgling native foods industry (excluding Macadamia) is worth an estimated $14 million annually, but its export potential is yet to be realised because it can't yet guarantee regular supplies of high quality produce. 

We are seeking ways to lower production costs and increase product quality in order to meet the growing demand for a variety of food ingredients from Australian native plants, seeds and fruits. 

The benefits of cultivating Australian native foods include:

• Conserves wild resources and helps protect biodiversity 

• Utilises Aboriginal knowledge and values traditional lore 

• Contributes to combating salinity problems by introducing more perennials 

• Encourages farmers to diversify from traditional crops 

• Creates incomes and jobs for Aboriginal and rural communities.

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