
eHabitat specialise in passive solar design makes use of the sun's energy and local breezes to make an eco building warm in winter and cool in summer. Your local climate, ehabitat has the correct thermal mass, insulation, shading and ventilation solutions to suit you.

eHabitat Passive solar design was a primary design driver in the conceptual development of ehabitat. The eHabitat Architectural Director has a university degree in Environmental Design as well as in Architecture, and has ensured that passive solar design principles are inherent in the system.

eHabitat Passive solar design provides comfortable homes that are responsive to local climates and changing seasons.

eHabitat Passive solar design helps you save money on energy bills.

eHabitat Passive solar design reduces dependence on non-renewable energy sources which are a major contributor to environmental degradation.

eHabitat  has developed a practical approach that marries modern production techniques with individual, environmental design. The eHabitat  directors take pride in being hands on individuals and all building clients have access to them seven days.

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