
Want to help avoid damaging climate change and offset your emissions? Perhaps even become carbon neutral. Try the Climakind alternative - Climakind provides a transparent and effective way to reduce global carbon emissions credits, with three membership levels to allow your efforts to be easily recognised.

Your efforts to reduce carbon emissions through Climakind are proactive, high quality and secure. Help drive deep cuts in CO2 and position your organisation as environmentally concerned.

We consider Climakind to be the next generation of what is called “carbon neutral” because it’s proactive.  We strive to reduce the addition of new carbon to the atmospheric system from burning fossil fuels rather than trying to sequester the extra carbon after it has been added to the system, when it is really too late.

Climakind is uniquely positioned to help your organisation discover the opportunities of positioning itself as environmentally concerned.  There are commercial benefits in voluntarily cancelling carbon credits and competitive advantages that await early movers.  Being Climakind helps promote your brand as visibily active in helping reduce carbon emissions globally.

Set yourself apart. Join Climakind today.

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