Australian Wildlife Protection Council

The Australian Wildlife Protection Council (AWPC) is a non-profit charity founded in 1969 by Arthur Queripel and incorporated in 1981.

Arthur remembers seeing "smouldering piles of mallee scrub and mounds of dead kangaroos and emus following the round ups after clearing".

He sought help from the police, conservation and animal welfare organisations to no avail, with each passing the responsibility to the other.

Finally in desperation he set up AWPC, the aim of which is to protect our native animals from cruelty and exploitation, for their own sake, for their intrinsic worth and because they are unique and special...

The AWPC Executive consists of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer. Anyone is welcome to contribute. Meetings are held six times a year and the committee comes up for re-election at the AGM annually.

The Australian Wildlife Protection Council established the National Kangaroo Campaign in 1992 which has grown to incorporate the wider International Community.

The Australian Wildlife Protection Council coordinates many Campaigns to bring an end to the commercial kangaroo killing industry.

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