Australian Greens

The Greens provide a real alternative to Labor and the Liberal party. Unlike the two old parties, the Greens have a proud history of standing up for what is right, not just what is easy or what polls well.

Over the course of the last four decades, the Greens have become the third force in Australian politics.

We are much more than an environmental party.  While promoting meaningful, sustainable and smart solutions to ensure future generations of Australians have clean air, clean water and clean soil – the Greens are also working in many other areas to champion integrity, decency and fairness

As well as representing constituents, the Greens speak on behalf of those who wouldn’t otherwise get much of a say inside parliament: children, refugees, students, individuals and families living in poverty and, of course, our natural environment.

Our core beliefs includes:

• Ecological sustainability

• Grassroots participatory democracy

• Social justice

• Peace and non-violence

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