Bio Antique Wax & Bio Hard Floor Wax

Transparent, matt-finished sealing waxes without synthetic additives seal the pores and form a sturdy, anti-static surface that fend off water and dirt. For use on all types of wood surfaces as an alternative to lacquer or varnish, particularly on new and antique furniture, toys, shelves etc. You can use BIO Hard Floor Wax on all types of timber floor surfaces, stone, tile or slate. Where moisture or condensation get place it is not suggested to use.

Wood and other surfaces should be well sanded, dry and cleaned of greasy, waxy and dirty contaminants when using BIO Thinner. Hardwoods and other timbers affluent in natural oils, waxes, acids and terpenes should be degreased before using Bio Thinner because these substances may mix with the oils and waxes and extend their drying time. Imperfect coats may require complete stripping before applying BIO Products.

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