Carbon Accounting

Carbon Footprints, Action Plans and Offsets

With the increased awareness of climate change, increasing costs of energy and the introduction of the price of carbon, businesses and not-for-profits are looking for opportunities to reduce costs, harmful greenhouse gas emissions and their business risks. Energetic Communities will ensure that your Carbon Management accounts for both direct emissions though your own operations, and indirect emissions though the down-stream operations of your supply chain.
Reducing carbon leads to both cost savings and increased sustainability. Without a carbon strategy or plan, you may continue to receive elevated costs to your business.
Carbon Footprints
Energetic Communities will calculate your carbon footprint to provide an estimate and understanding of baseline Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions resulting from operations. We will also investigate if you have any reporting obligations under current Australian legislation and develop a plan to reduce your emissions in future years.
Energetic Communities follows the internationally recognised standards outlined by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard and ISO 14064.1-2006. This standard is widely accepted as the benchmark for carbon accounting.
Carbon Management and Action Plans
Energetic Communities provides carbon management services that are directed at commercial, industrial and government clients. We can offer a holistic appraisal of your carbon emissions and help you develop strategies and plans, including setting and achieving realistic and achievable emission reduction targets.
Carbon Offsets
Where emission reductions are impractical, Energetic Communities can help your organisation achieve carbon neutrality through the National Carbon Offset Standard (NCOS). This can include working with your suppliers to reduce their impact, ensuring any carbon neutral and sustainability claims are robust.

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