Children Are People Too

Children Are People Too

Author(s): Louise Porter

Published: 2005

284 pages

What we should do reward good behaviour and punish the bad?

What should our reaction when they do as we tell them award kids stars on a chart ... or send them to their room when they disobey?

Parent and child psychologist, Dr Louise Porter, thinks not!

In Children are people too: A parent's guide the behaviour of young children, Dr Porter describes that though these parenting methods look to be general sense, they can in fact reason for more problems, resulting in an escalation of behavioral complexities.

In place of punishing them when they fail, Dr Porter suggests a guidance approach to raising children based on teaching them to act considerately.

Mistakes are predictable when learning any new skill, be it spelling or learning to act thoughtfully. To punish either sort of mistake would be to punish children for being children.

By admitting children's positive actions and teaching them when their behaviour gets in the way with others, a direction approach plan to safeguard children's confidence and to honour their need to be in command of themselves.

It also helps to improves our relation with our children, sustaining a closeness that endures into their adult lives.


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