Forensic Ornithology

Forensic Ornithology

So what is Forensic Ornithology? At Ambrose Ecological, we get asked this a lot.

Forensic ornithology a branch of forensic zoology. This features the involvement of bird species identification. We do this through looking at the feathers, feather fragments and bird skeleton bones. These tend be the end products of aircraft bird strikes, wind turbine bird strikes, power line bird collisions, communication tower bird collisions and tall building bird collisions. 

A little known fact is that when birds strike an aircraft, they can inflict a massive damage to the aircraft and, sometimes cause the loss of human life. Here at Ambrose Ecological, our job is to implement and monitors the efficiency of bird hazard management plans at airports. What we want to do is to help reduce the incidents of bird strikes. We also design and implement similar plans for wind farms.

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