How to get rid of Toxins in your Home

How to get rid of Toxins in your Home

Here at Self Sufficiency Supplies we know that there are a lot of people out there who are interested in living a healthy life. Most of the time diet and exercise the only factors considered. However, we would like to point out that there are many other lifestyle factors out there that can also have a big impact on your health. 

When it comes to toxins, they are are everywhere. Often the the family home can be one of the worst - even worse than the air in a polluted city. In fact, having a healthy home is a big part of a healthy lifestyle.

Toxins are present in our water supply - in tap water (chlorine and fluorine), as well as in the paints and varnishes we use. There are also lots of toxic chemicals in the cleaning products used around the house. 

Of course, there are many simple ways to get rid of toxins in your household. You can install water filters and treatment equipment so that you can be sure that the water you're consuming is safe.

When it comes to paints, synthetic paints and varnishes can outgas their toxins into your living or working space for years after they are applied.

The chemicals released are often hazardous for babies and children - and anyone with allergies. We recommend using natural paints and varnishes creates a healthier space.

When it comes to cleaning products, we recommend using either natural or naturally sourced. Often there are many natural and cheap green products that do a great job too. Some examples include vinegar and baking soda as a natural replacement.

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