Solar Breeze attic fan

Economic Solar Heating and Ventilation

Solar hot water heating and solar electricity generation are well established in the market. Now, there is a new generation of solar room heaters and ventilators becoming available. These have a wide range of applications in residences, holiday houses, sports halls, commercial premises and even  in industrial drying applications. The Melbourne business, Solar Breeze™, is custom manufacturing this solar innovation.

An absorber panel is installed on the rooftop. The heated air trapped in the absorber is transferred by a fan and filter into the room. Correctly installed, the system can increase the temperature in the room by eight degrees even in mid winter. This can reduce your heating costs by over 50 percent. Furthermore, it provides a fresh source of clean air, and reduces asthmatic problems. The whisper-quiet fans can be powered either by a solar photovoltaic panel, or by mains electricity. The units are very low maintenance, and work automatically.

Supply of the unit is from $2100, depending on the configuration.

Innovations such as this provide yet another means of reducing energy bills. More on information on the performance of these systems can be obtained from Solar Breeze™ , telephone 1300 194 500

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