Water Saving Solution for your Home

Water Saving Solution for your Home

When it comes to being energy efficient around the house, our team at South Coast Solar Solutions recommends purchasing a Efergy Showertime timer and alarm. It is a simply and fun water saving device for the whole family. 

With this system, you can monitor and time the length of your showers and understand just how much water you use every time. With the bathroom and toilet using early forty per cent of all the water at home, the shower is a great place to start thinking abut saving water.

With the average household using around 150L of water per day, and with most other countries looking at ways to cut down on water usage by 20% this little systems is a good way to help reduce water usage.

It allows you to set targets for water usage and sounds an alarm then the target is reached. This can help save thousands of litres of water per year. This system will not only reduce your water bills, but also your energy bills due to less hot water used.

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