Wind Farm for Developing Countries

Wind Farm for Developing Countries

Here at Trees for Life, we are involved in the Wind Project for the community of Tamil Nadu, based in India. 

This Wind Power project provides emission free electricity generation by the installation of eighteen 800 kW wind electric generators in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The project is monitored under an approved Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Methodology and is registered with the Voluntary Carbon Standard.

This project has created additional employment opportunities and infrastructure such as road networks in the wind park location. In addition to supporting the local people, the ongoing problem of reliable, clean electricity shortages is also being addressed.

By utilising new technology, the technical life of this project activity is 20 years and it is expected to generate 30,000+ MWh of clean power annually.

Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) are not regulatory requirements in India for wind projects, however, an EIA study has been conducted and the results show that this project activity will not involve any negative environmental impacts, including migratory patterns of birds species and a variety fauna.

The project harnesses renewable resources in the region, thereby displacing non-renewable natural resources, ultimately leading to sustainable economic and environmental development.

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