Prebiotic Blend


Our inulin powder prebiotic blend is made using nothing but plant-based whole foods, just as mother nature intended. Flourish has created a blend of nine natural plant-based ingredients that support the gut by feeding the good microbiome. This is key to improving gut health and digestion.


The prebiotic blend is a daily fibre supplement containing ingredients that feed the good bacteria in the gut. Our guts are home to trillions of gut bacteria and probiotics – some are classified as good, some bad – and a healthy gut is a balance of the two.


Hippocrates was credited to have said, “all diseases begin in the gut”. As Medical Nutritionists, we agree. Accordingly, all our healing regimes begin with first healing the gut. The healthier the gut, the healthier the person.


Our gut bacteria are unique to each of us, just like our fingerprints, which is why we have not produced a probiotic but a prebiotic blend. Prebiotics are the foods that feed your probiotics, which allows your unique body to flourish.


With no concentrates, no extracts, no additives, we make it easy for you to get all-natural, real food that has been powdered for your convenience into your day.




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