Beyond Zero Emissions

Beyond Zero Emissions started in 2006 due to our concern that the stated climate change goals of other environmental organisations at the time contradicted the science. 

The policies these organisations were calling for would see atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations continue to rise, hence increasing the global warming effect.

Our goal is to transform Australia from a 19th century fossil fuel based economy to a 21st century renewable powered clean tech eco economy. 

Through the Zero Carbon Australia project, Beyond Zero Emissions is researching climate solutions that are in line with the science. By sharing this research with thousands of Australians via the Repower Australia talks program, we are engaging, educating and inspiring the community with real and positive solutions to climate change.

In 2008 the Climate Emergency Network was formed by a number of climate groups in Melbourne concerned that groups taking climate change science and solutions seriously needed a way to coordinate. Beyond Zero Emissions is a proud member of the Climate Emergency Network.

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