Ocean Nourishment Corporation

Ocean based carbon sequestration and enhancement of fisheries.  We enrich nutrient poor areas of deep ocean by adding missing nutrients to surface waters.
'Shifting the thinking from hunter and collector to active management' of the worlds oceans.

Two main objectives:
1.      to realise, capture and monetise carbon benefits of the process; and
2.      to define, manage and monetise marine productivity benefits.

Our process involves ship-based dispersion of macronutrients into barren areas of the world’s oceans, over deep water typically greater than 1000m in depth.  By enhancing phytoplankton growth in the surface waters we can initiate the biological capture of carbon dioxide and at the same time enhance the base of the food chain leading to increased ocean productivity.

Our research focuses on where this process works in the world’s oceans and how to implement the process from an engineering and environmental management perspective.

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