NRM Jobs

NRMjobs offers a free weekly email newsletter, which advertises eco job vacancies and other opportunities in the environment, water and natural resource management fields in Australia and New Zealand.

NRMjobs now has more than 18,000 email subscribers. We advertise about 30-40 new jobs every week, as well as tenders, consultancies, scholarships, grants, awards and eco education training courses.

NRMjobs donates $5 from each paid advertisement to local environmental groups.

For seven years, NRMjobs has been the first place employers turn to when they are advertising a job in the environmental sector, and the first place environmental professionals turn to find what opportunities are available.

NRMjobs is published by Email Media, a small, husband-and-wife business in the Adelaide Hills.

Our green business has won a series of environmental, business and communication awards for our pioneering but practical approach to providing information to Australia's environmental professionals.

Since we started NRMjobs in 1998, we have advertised more than 7,000 positions for all kinds of environmental professionals in all corners of Australia. And we have also donated nearly $30,000 to community environmental associations.

There is no charge to subscribe to NRMjobs by email, nor to browse our green website for jobs. There is a small charge for employers to advertise on the website and email bulletin. Placing an advert is simple and quick - you just email us the text you want, and we do the rest. When you are happy with the advert, we will publish it and send you an invoice. As well as offering the best service of its kind in Australia and New Zealand, we also like to have a bit of fun at NRMjobs.

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