Environment & Population

Environment & Population

Hope's Friends of the Earth (FoE) Australia population and environment project seeks to act as a focus for a human rights and international approach to the inter connected questions of environment, population and immigration. . FoEA believes that over consumption of resources rather than population growth are the key issues relating to environmental sustainability. FoEA is aware of the fact that concern for 'the environment' is sometimes used as a way for opposing further immigration to Australia. However actually it seeks to encourage a debate about what the key threats are to the ecosystems of the Australian continent

Hope's FoEA recognises that the Australian community needs to have a debate about what may constitute a sustainable human population for this country. This debate needs to occur with full recognition of the responsibilities that come with being the highest per capita producer of greenhouse gases of any industrialised nation on the planet, the need to address the rising numbers of environmental refugees, and international perspectives that involve global equity in terms of access to resources.

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