Environmental Jobs Network Career Services

JN operating since 2001 is a national non-profit organization providing services for people seeking education and employment in the environment sector. EJN is Australia's leading online source for environmental job seekers and educators offering a hub of environment related information regarding jobs, events, education, career advice, industry trends and realities and professionals.

The services include one-on-one career advice, CV help, speaker/s at career seminars, industry specific employment days, mentor matching for schools, environmental career presentations for schools or universities or support in arranging a career event or expert panel discussion. These services are provided everywhere in Australia and all funds go to support our Environmental Career Office (on-line and in person) and EJN's Environmental Careers Project Officer. The Environmental Career Office provides information to those looking for advice or information about environmental careers; we also provide job relevant opportunities at EJN for those looking to add to their CV.

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